Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wikipedia for me is taste of "the better world" that I wish to live in before I expire.

Long time ago, people built Babel tower to show how great spices they are. But God destroyed the tower and made men to to speak many languages so they would not understand each other. Hopefully, god figured it out, they (humans) will fight and kill each other as well.

Right now the people are building another tower - the Internet. Sadly, it appears that the destroyers this time will be Ourselves -- or more correctly, our human Masters.

Some Great Walls are visible form the moon (Great China Wall), some are history (Berlin Wall). Some have foundations already in place (Look mindfully around and inside yourself to name them). Some are invisible like the wall that separates the slave men and free men or the wall that separates still men and walking men.

The Walkin' Men' Blog

Did you ever noticed this very clever Imperialist Internet Business Model (do not blame Americans -- Americans are humans and whoever you are you are A human too).

It goes like that: You get very cleaver idea how to make 1$ to become $1,000,000 in short time (read: lifetime of your investor). You get big cash from Vulture Investors. You start big. You offer everything free. You get millions of customers (hell! who doesn't want free lunch). Slowly, step by step, you start to "monetize" your business. How? Too long explanation for this blog. Just study the history of all "rugs to rich" websites like Twitter for example.

So maybe when you finish masturbating yourself on your Twitter, Blogger, Facebook, etc account, have some green tea (it makes your brain working again) and you may notice that you also use websites that do not sodomize you with the bronze penis of that Wall Street Bull.


By sipping your home made green tea you had just saved $3 on your daily Starbucks latte. Also note ( most important ) Starbucks Inc will not make your IQ higher on long terms. But Wikipedia will do. They ask for your help to keep their website free form commerce. Make it. Donate.  Click the link below and have your latte the day after tomorrow.

Support Wiipedia

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Supreme Terrorist punishes Vancouver, BC on Sat. 20/2010 AC

City-Citizens sometimes suddenly abandon their streets. For example, a football match or black death epidemic or … when all goes white. At least practically all Vancouverites do that.

“Environment Canada warning: Heavy snow expected in Vancouver at night.”

The early morning walk around the block without sight of a pedestrian or car. Nice! Even nicer, to walk a virgin walking paths in city park. Being The FIRST in this overcrowded and racing human hive. Oh, it feels good. Thank you Supreme Terrorist.

Vancouver, 2010-11-20

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The red poppy is pinned to my heart (Remembrance Day)

Nov. 11th, 2010 (Remembrance Day)

Did your red poppy pinned to your heart successfully hid blood on your hands?

I am walking to my university library to escape the all-day-rain. It is November 11th today. Remembrance day. Supposedly one to remember the war (1st World War) that was supposed to be “the war that ended all wars.”

If all these water drops falling from the dark sky – where the havens are supposedly – where human tears, that heavy rain I am walking through today is well timed. After all, in our supposedly random universe, it could be sunny day today or maybe one with just a little sprinkle from the sky.

I walk, hooded. Do I look like a pious monk or sinister assassin?, I wonder. I am hooded, and I do look at my feet. But it is not because of my shame. I just want to avoid puddles and keep my socks dry. After all I wear sandals. No, I am not mimicking Christ. I just love sandals.

I walk by the third red poppy, lost by others, laying on the sidewalk and drenched by that rain. “Rain of our communal tears?” – a though sparks in my brain. Since I have to look down in order to avoid the puddles, I can not avoid seeing my own red poppy pinned to my jacket - men made, organic fiber, fair trade jacket from trendy Mountain Co-opp. No, I am talking about the red poppy here. It is the jacket - stupid.

I am walking in the rain. The spark-though ignites an arc of thoughts and one more “Bolek's Gold though” is spit out off my brain:

“We all would like to have all sociopaths / psychopaths behind the bars but aren't we actually the one as a whole. BoWe_2010”

Inside the safe heavens – read: any place at the University that has a roof – I google “ psychopaths” and “sociopath” ( and to check validity of my recent enlightenment. It appears, I am correct.

It is almost one hundred years since the men-kind, shocked and ashamed with his own inhumanity, proclaimed the latest war of his, “the war that will end all wars.” In order not to betray his own pledge the men-kind pinned the red poppy to his heart and then .. stepped into the usual business: WW2, Colonial War, Cold War, Holly War, Just War, Humanitarian War and the most insane of all wars – the mother of all wars – the War to end the Wars.

Bolek's nut ! you may declare. Excuse me! What about the following: “Persistent lying or stealing ; Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others ; Cruelty to animals -- especially human animals (my own addition to this definition) ; Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper ; A history of childhood conduct disorder ; Recurring difficulties with the law ; Promiscuity ; Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others ; Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights ; Inability to tolerate boredom ; Disregard for right and wrong ; Poor or abusive relationships ; Irresponsible work behavior ; Disregard for safety.” You See! A sociopath. I was right.

Copyright 2010 by Bolek Wesolowski

Monday, November 8, 2010

Guilt is our Devil

Guilt is our Devil_BoWe2010

Humanity is not only divided by vast bodies of water (continents), or color of skin, or ...( put plenty of other reason here); but, did any one mentioned “divided by which English dictionary we use”.

Here is a sample that speaks for itself.

Briefly, it is response by Mr. M.R. (Master Ruler) of Zambia after few donor countries got fed up with corruption in his domain and decided to cut their humanitarian help off. For details follow the latest news. For example here:

I am modern slave (and you too my dear reader). I take it – most of the time. Example: When  “my rulers” take away part of my earning for “International help” so they can look good to their voters, own consciousness (if they have one), to our UN and to omnipotent God (last one after death of course).

But sometimes – when profoundly insulted – I can not take it any more. I walk onto Capilano suspension bridge (, swing it madly and yell. Something like these:

 “Mr. Master of Zambia and his bodies, what make you to claim that I have to work for your children and grandchildren? History (colonialism) ? God's design (I am white) ? Or simply – and that is the right answer – you are smarter then my “direct” rulers.”

“And you mess up with English language, by the way Mr. M.R.  You said  “I am (Zambia) sovereign and INDPENDENT”. Well, well. Do we use the same English dictionary ? When I say, I am “independent” I mean the following: “I feed myself and pay my Health Insurance from the money I earned myself – and my profession is not a conman.”

Any way, there is an ISSUE with “rich countries”helping “poor countries”. But let's deal with this other time. Now, I have to go to work so Mr. M.R. Junior can attend Harvard and a private jet for commuting.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I crave to allocate 64 butt-kicks to Steve's ass


I crave to allocate  64 butt-kicks to Steve's ass.

I crave to pitch 64 butt-kicks to Apple's conman salesmen ass  who sold me an iPod. Crave you too?

This is the topic which most of you who read this “digitally” - author included – choose not to see or hear about. “Computers steal our time!” - read: “life”. After all, life is nothing more or less than passage of time as I see it.

Time spend in front of Computer The God. Multinational, cross cultural, universal, worldwide, unisex … madness. I see it as an example of gluttony – digital gluttony - similar to our universal craving for the Big Mac family of food, which, didn't you noticed yet, is somehow always omitted in all government “cooked” food pyramids. A pyramid scheme of new type?

Time wasted. Most often it is your  (mine) own choice. Free will men, free will for the masses !. When I am in “down-mood” I speculate that God sent – for the purpose -- all these philosophers, who swore that 'free will' is The Evil, and the tyrants too, these psychopaths who made their bloody swords dull while in war with it. Maybe they were not so dull after all.

OK. I am weak man. I wasted so much of precious time last week. I should be pissed with myself but, well, it is quite embarrassing to piss-self, even if there are no witnesses around.

Today, I've got pissed with Stave instead

( the rhyme just popped out unintended but it sounds promising for new tune  - not available in Apple store though – “I am pissed with Steve. Today. I am pissed. These ..., Steve you know, I am pissed … etc.”  I can here the music for my ad hock  lyrics already.)

Well, actually, it is about Apple Inc. But global corporations are faceless monsters. Or maybe monsters with so many heads it would take my several lifetimes to cut them off. By the way, the new heads of that monsters grows back instantly after the target heads are removed. In other words, any brave individual who stands up against these monsters will instantly find himself/herself on pages of Greek mythology, mounted on a starving horse and clad with armor of Don Quixote. H-mm? Did I mentioned Sancho and his donkey ?

Well, waste no time any more. Here is the story. ”Story” – isn't it something we all look for after all.

The story:

I had to catch with the devil.

In order to keep working (for myself) I have to walk every day to local university library. You know: free Internet, access to free microwave so I can have hot meal daily (as my grandma instructed me), filtered water, glances    of respect from hordes of young intellectuals ). It is a long walk. Three hours a day.

Shame to admit this: I do think when I walk.

I caught myself, precisely speaking my brain, too often drifting into highly unproductive thinking. Samples: “If only I got my  teenage body back but kept my wise-man's brain intact” or “What I could do if I won that $55,000,000.00  jackpot?” , or “ Do they really digitally alter the sizes of manhood in all these porn movies?, or …. too many to quote.

Spanish ! Yes. That's it. I will bombard my brain with Spanish vocabulary to distract my brain .Also, it will pay me back when I retire in Arizona soon. At that time, Spanish will be the official language of Estados Unidos after Mexicans re-conquer  Indians' (first nation) land again, this time bloodlessly.

iPod ! I thought (the rhyme is not intentional again) cleverly will be my savior.

 Next day I got my iPod. Then, next day after the first next day, I loaded Spanish vocabulary and phrases into my iPod. Next, the third 'next day' after the first 'next day' my Sony Vaio notebook went dead. I plugged my iPod to my Dell Precision mobile workstation and – NOTHING.

So, the next day after these three 'next days' before I spent searching Internet for an explanation and possible remedy to my problem. Everything is on Internet. Isn't it? So, I got it. At price of course – TIME ! - but I got it.

The bad news: My iPod is useless, costly electronic toy (junk) to me because I use Windows XP 64bit.  

So, I wandered into Internet Info Jungle to hunt for remedy. Found it. At price again. One more day wasted.

God rested on Sunday (seventh day) after working six days. I did not.

 I tried all that Internet advice how to make my iPod working. I altered iTunes installation files numerous times. I installed and re-installed damn program several times. Yes, I was getting iTunes working but only in one aspect – one that was desired by Apple Inc not me - it was connecting me with Apple store and asking what tunes I want to buy (oh, clever Apple, cleaver !) but could not “see” my iPod.

Then I gave up. Looser ?. Or maybe not so. God rested on sevenths day. I did on ninth. Not so bad for a mortal.    

But still, I am just a human and ...

 I itch for just one ass-kick to Stave's ass (read: Apple's) because it would cost pennies to print extra few letters on iPod's box telling that “WinXP.64bit – No!”.

I lust to ass-kick Apple's Store salesmen/saleswoman who refused to take back my now greatly overpriced USB storage device.

I long for slowing down, or maybe even giving up my run to catch up with the devil. But, can I ? Can you ?


Friday, November 5, 2010

when insanity becomes normality

Vancouver, UBC, 2010-11-05

In old (yeah! good!?) days talking to yourself would lend you in a nut house (mental asylum). These days it is labeled blogging and, actually, it can make you an instant international celebrity in case your very private (most likely very trivial) vomit is shared by the vast masses. The more common, universal, multicultural, multi-etc vomit you are able to produce the more of international celebrity you may become.

Today, I have not a chance for my day of fame. All I ate today was home made (read: SUB - Student Union Building microwave) broccoli soup with Japaneses noodles and a spoon of organic yogurt. My vomit does not have any trace of meat and majority of  human race eat "their friends" as my literary hero used to say. In other words: my vomit and mass vomit are not compatible as today's writing..

Since it is proven that running amok among normal people can lend you in a morgue in the worst scenario - and vice versa - acting normal among patients of mental asylum will sooner or later separate your noble soul form your precious body seconds before it will be torn apart --  I, .....(put your name here) ... decided to join today the blogging trend ?, fashion? insanity? self-help?, wind of change?, the thousand year new kingdom ?,
the thousand year new prison ? the survivor?, the comfort of my mother's nipple, ,,,,

So be it. Here I am.