Monday, November 8, 2010

Guilt is our Devil

Guilt is our Devil_BoWe2010

Humanity is not only divided by vast bodies of water (continents), or color of skin, or ...( put plenty of other reason here); but, did any one mentioned “divided by which English dictionary we use”.

Here is a sample that speaks for itself.

Briefly, it is response by Mr. M.R. (Master Ruler) of Zambia after few donor countries got fed up with corruption in his domain and decided to cut their humanitarian help off. For details follow the latest news. For example here:

I am modern slave (and you too my dear reader). I take it – most of the time. Example: When  “my rulers” take away part of my earning for “International help” so they can look good to their voters, own consciousness (if they have one), to our UN and to omnipotent God (last one after death of course).

But sometimes – when profoundly insulted – I can not take it any more. I walk onto Capilano suspension bridge (, swing it madly and yell. Something like these:

 “Mr. Master of Zambia and his bodies, what make you to claim that I have to work for your children and grandchildren? History (colonialism) ? God's design (I am white) ? Or simply – and that is the right answer – you are smarter then my “direct” rulers.”

“And you mess up with English language, by the way Mr. M.R.  You said  “I am (Zambia) sovereign and INDPENDENT”. Well, well. Do we use the same English dictionary ? When I say, I am “independent” I mean the following: “I feed myself and pay my Health Insurance from the money I earned myself – and my profession is not a conman.”

Any way, there is an ISSUE with “rich countries”helping “poor countries”. But let's deal with this other time. Now, I have to go to work so Mr. M.R. Junior can attend Harvard and a private jet for commuting.

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