Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lessons in history are lessons not listened to.

 An article on BBC website make me wander (again) why lessons in history are lessons not listened to by most power seekers..

I applied logic to one of statements there and came out with this twiit:
"Turkish boss disappoints vine lovers saying he can not understand why people have sex when they could just masturbate."

All this brings back to my memory:
  1. Year 1972,
  2. a passport office in my home town
  3. and a communist official who refused to grant me a passport.
His argument was as follow: Why do you want to see Alps ?. Tatra are mountains too.

Note to the reader: Alps are in France. Tatra Mountain are in my motherland.


1. Thanks you God – You keep Alps and Tatra Mountains in place.
2. Thanks you God – You keeps me alive so I can spread this story.
3. Thanks you God – You send this man who tried to play god to oblivion.